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What do should I do with my life? How do I get there?

If you are like most of us, you have these questions and more. You might have no idea what you want to do for a career in the future. Or maybe you know what you want to do but are unsure how to get there. Every person's path is individual, but there are alot of tips and tricks that are common to all paths that can help you along your way. In this blog, I try to pass along some of the bits of wisdom and jetsom that I've accumulated lo these many years (!) to help you on your road to success. Search for the topic you need, suggest new topics, send me questions. Dr. A is in.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

10 Tips for Women Students in Science Fields

Hi Folks

I saw this helpful article in US News.  It's entitled as tips for women, but these are the same tips I would give to any of you as general life advice.  You can find it at the URL link here:

Happy reading!

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